Introduction to Quake
Every day, thousands of gamers hop on line for one reason - they're looking
to kill people all over the country in the most popular online game ever -
Quake. But how do they manage to kill others more than they themselves
are killed? Well, the key is to know the intricate details of playing
the game, and here, in the Gamers Extreme Quake Bible, those details are
revealed. Written by the master himself, Dennis Fong a.k.a. "Thresh," it
details thoroughly every aspect of the game from game controls to "rocket
jumping" to advanced team strategy. If you want to come home alive, this
manual is a must.
If you're new to multiplayer Quake, you might first want to check out Wemmick's
Network Quake Newbie Guide.
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Table of Contents
Last Updated: 5/11/98
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